Who We Work With
While ER Abroad works with many people, and countless services, we are honored to have a close
working relationship with the following entities, and wish to extend our deepest and most sincere gratitude to them all for their dedication that allows us to help the ones who need it most
BuildinGuate / Land of Hope
Located in Escuintla, Guatemala, the Land of Hope (LOH) was built as a refuge for the community as a place of wellness and safety. Offering a daily soup kitchen, fresh water, and free childcare for parents working at the local garbage hill .25 mile down the road. LOH has also recently taken on the dream of a kind of After School program site to help children advance their skills beyond what is provided at the local schools. LOH is the site of the medical clinic that ER Abroad holds their mission trips.
Backpack EMR
Offering a truly unique, and vital tool for rural medical clinics, or even more rural site visits, Backpack EMR hosts a platform for patient intake and documentation that does not have to work off internet. This innovative programming, and the team behind the coding, make what we and many others do, possible.
Southern Illinois University
at Edwardsville
The collaborative brainchild of ER Abroad President Greg Jennings, and Former Board Member Bernadette Sobczak, they merged their positions within the University and their already rooted passion for service at the Land of Hope, has allowed students with multiple majors, and unique personal backgrounds, to attend these our mission trips and experience a world beyond what many of them know. Bringing their own unique skills in both medical and non-medical studies has opened the possibilities for continued advancements in Guatemala that we hope to bring to future mission trip locations.