ER Abroad's
Our Story
ER Abroad is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that consists of physicians, physicians assistants, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, medical technicians, physical therapist and social workers that provide medical treatments and examinations in third world countries. Recently, we have expanded our range of services to provide non-medial support services as well.
Our Beginning
From kindness and compassionate care by a nurse in an emergency room in central Illinois sprang an idea to reach beyond our borders. Evolving from initial charity care packages, growing to a mission trip by volunteers, to becoming a full-fledged registered, incorporated not-for-profit organization.
ER Abroad: Mission Possible has emerged to continue that general idea: use our talents, education, training and resources to help those less fortunate. Now in our 11th year since planning the initial trip, with limited resources but great dreams, we are an ongoing charitable organization that sends healthcare workers out into the world to improve the basic health of those who otherwise would not have access to it.
For over 10 years now, ER Abroad: Mission Possible has been sending medical missions teams to rural areas of Guatemala on a regular basis. In so doing, ER Abroad has adapted, grown a network of support, and has developed an operational model of establishing mobile medical clinics that can be duplicated in other areas of the world.
In the fall of 2019 we will have established our first international office in Antigua, Guatemala.
ER Abroad: Phase 2
Because of the continued growth of ER Abroad; we are now in the process of establishing connections in Central America, South America and the Caribbean. Within the next 10 years ER Abroad will be sending medical mission teams to establish mobile clinics in Columbia, Costa Rico, El Salvador, Haiti, and Puerto Rico in addition to our continued presence in Guatemala.
ER Abroad - local community projects.
One of ER Abroad: Mission Possible primary focus is to provide medical missions abroad. As we continue to grow, in 2020, ER Abroad will be encouraging our members to become more active in their local communities, civic organizations and churches. Thus, developing more knowledge and experience, promoting our organization and gaining new members, as well as sharing the mission of ER Abroad; “to bring modern healthcare to areas of need, to pay respect to those less fortunate, to put the needs of our patients before ours, to develop our services, to support teams in multiple sites on an ongoing continuous basis, to maintain the highest ethics of a charity, to work with similar organizations to maximize care, and to provide and foster an atmosphere of charity”.